I recently came upon this quote while, as per usual, I was wasting time away on the internet looking for writing tips, movies, Hollywood and the like and it is something that I think is exceptionally profound.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.
The quote came from the Whole Earth catalogue, and was made famous by Steve Jobs in his 2005 commencement speech for Stanford Graduates,; advice that could never be more true. I like the simple four words and the message it evokes and it is something that I fear many of us will never truly understand or are too afraid to live by. We are arguably, animals of instinct, and as such have our minds set on just one goal: safety; or security, both are loosely the same thing in modern terms.
Here I dissected the words to what it means to me:
Stay Hungry
Never become too complacent, always be curious and never settle for just what you have. Look for more to learn, more to be, educate and be educated. Never believe you have quenched your thirst for knowledge and never think that you have learned all there is to learn.
Stay Foolish
Be foolish enough to pursue those crazy ideas that everyone else is too afraid to chase. Hell Steve Jobs did it, Bill Gates did it, and even George Lucas did it. Without these guys to take that foolish leap of faith to pursue thier passions, our world would have been a completely different place. Don't look at the odds and be defeated, dream to become the exception and work towards becoming it. Don't allow fear and logic control your actions, sometimes you just have to follow your gut and your heart.
We are led to believe that success is determined by the size of your paycheck and the prestige of the job, but that's no way to live. Life is too short and too important to follow the sheep and do the things everyone else is doing or are striving for. Why not venture out of the group a little and discover things most miss out on? Even if the grass isn't greener on the otherside, you at least know first hand that is isn't. I guess the underlying theme of those words is "know what you want", discover your passion and pursue it, whatever it may be and however crazy it sounds because life is never steady and same, it ebbs and flows and the things you least expected to happen may just happen, you just won't know until you try.
I'm reminded of another quote though I'm not particularly sure where it came from: Nothing worth doing is ever easy. So to those in college who think that it is THE door towards finding a good job and an easy life, think about this. People don't go to college to find financial security though it is part of the equation, they do it to learn and follow their passions but especially to follow the passion. They take that foolish leap of faith, sometimes dropping out in order to chase a dream like Jobs or Gates, but they have the stuff that I fear few too many don't. The ability to take risks. Be willing to grow some thick skin when the shit hits the fan and all you have are the clothes on your back. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.
Remember, you don't have to be an Ivy League graduate to change the world, you just have to believe in yourself. Don't live to dream, dream to live. Those are my words, and to whomever took their time to read this only to find out what a waste it was, that's four minutes you won't get back anyways so stop complaining. Don't dwell on it, you got more important things to do.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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