Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First Annual Christmas Movie Review(s)?

I'm just saying this for now, but for the month of December, I'm going to review films and scripts (if I can find any) about the Christmas holiday. Of course, just because I said that I'm going to review these Holiday movies doesn't necessarily mean I'll actually get around to review them. At the very least, it'll probably spark a desire to watch a few Christmas movies that I haven't yet seen.

This year the following films are as follows:

Home Alone
Jingle All the Way
A Christmas Story
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Santa Clause
*The Yule Log

One thing to note is that I have never ever seen A Christmas story. There have been ample opportunities, such as TBS' annual 24 hour Christmas Story marathon, but I never got around to sitting down and on the couch to watch the film.

And as a special Holiday treat, I'm going to watch one of the most famous experimental films of the holiday season: The Yule Log television program. Expect to see my analysis of this historic film by the end of the year.

*Ok, maybe I'm not that crazy. Maybe I am. Actually, now that I've said it, it seems like I have to actually analyze the annual Yule Log film loop... Ok fine, don't expect anything out of it, but don't be surprised if I actually become crazy enough to review such a thing.

Creative Procrastination

I find it a very strange phenomenon that the only time I feel like writing is when I shouldn't be writing at all. Anytime I have an important homework assignment, or a big paper, or just about any time I have something I need to finish under a time crunch, I feel the most creatively liberated. Maybe it's really just because I'm a lazy asshole who doesn't want to do anything.

Call it what you will, maybe it's a form of creative procrastination. It's a shame that it happens so often that I feel a need to procrastinate when I should be doing something else that needs my attention.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So about that writing...

Admittedly, it's been a while since I last updated the blog... again. Well, schoolwork has been a bitch the last couple of weeks and I have a few papers to finish as the current semester is winding down. I got this very big 25 page paper I have to do for class that I've only completed seven pages for thus far, and I have to write a short essay on an Art museum visit in addition to the take home final that may or may not sum up to seven pages of written material. On top of that, I have to finish a small project of analyzing an oral story for my Myth, Folktales and Symbols class that is due go knows when.

Remember a few weeks ago when I said it was November and I was stuck on page 73 on my script? Yeah, didn't make any goddamn headway whatsoever. It seems that the plan to finish my script by the end of this year is very much a reality. I said I was going to finish it by the end of this year in the hopes that I wouldn't give myself so much time to procrastinate and hopefully finish at least a month or two earlier. But of course, that didn't happen.

I know the content of this blog has been negligently bare the past couple of months, but dammit, I'm not going to abandon this thing. It's better for me to write a few shitty bullshit posts than not write one at all. It's all part of the plan to write regularly even if the blog posts are not up to my own standards (which you can argue has never been a strong point anyways, but fuck off it's my blog buddy...)

Real shit is still better than imaginary gold.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Can't Smoke Weed: A short joke

It's funny that Prop 19 didn't pass because smoking marijuana, illegal or otherwise, is something I physically can't do since I am asthmatic. Inhaling any type of smoke makes me cough half to death. I'm sure if I smoked an actual joint, I would in fact die from asphyxiation.

So I guess the only time where it's appropriate for me to smoke weed is if I'm laying on my death bed dying from old age and decide I can't take the pain anymore and just light up a joint and take my own life. I guess you could say I want to end life on a high note.

(Canned laughter at my incredibly lame pun)

Blargh! Severe Cut in Writing Due to Writing

Unfortunately, because I'm such a terrible procrastinator, I am way behind on my planned blog posts. I didn't get to finish all of my Halloween themed horror posts nor did I even get to finish my Twilight zone-esque short horror story in a timely fashion (page 1 and counting). Bah. I blame school work and my inability to concentrate. Believe me, if I had it may way, I would not be typing on a computer. It offers far too many distractions to even count and cuts into whatever creative streak I manage to squeeze out. In a perfect world, I'd be typing on a typewriter that uses magic paper that never runs out or cause environmental damage.

Add into the mix that college admissions are around the corner and the fact that I have a twenty-five page paper to write means that my writing schedule, if there's even time for it this month, is severely going to take a hit. Essentially, the reason why I won't be writing as much is because I'll be too busy writing. Ain't that ironic? I guess I was right in my prediction that I wouldn't finish my first script until the end of the year. It's Currently November and I'm still on page 74 of my first script. I've made a snail's pace worth of work in between September and October clocking in approximately ten-ish pages.

And I'm way behind on finishing the entire series of The Wire. I got two more seasons to watch and I'm done with that fantastic television show.