You know how I said I would start working on my script during winter break? You know, the on that's approximately a MONTH long? Yeah... didn't get to it. Not seriously anyways. I figured I would jump in and just write but after about 10 pages in, I realized something important,
I forgot my laundry in the dryer.
Oh, and that my script is severely lacking a structure of any sorts. I think it's easier to start outright writing without any thoughts about structure and character struggles but all that learning on the internets and blogs and sites about screenwriting has become ingrained in my head. Here's my advice to you would be scribes, myself included if this post could travel back in time.
Write first and get your creative juices flowing. Disregard any rules and do it. Then learn the process. Slowly or quickly, whatever you wish. Once you've had that crappy first script done, you can only climb higher.
It's like being a neurotic swimmer (bad analogy coming up guys), you dive in the ocean not aware of the many dangers that it has and you're fine for the moment. However, if you had learned about all the dangers, the Great White, jellyfish, sting ray's, whales and killer dolphins with laser beams attached to their heads, you wouldn't be so sure about setting your foot in the water. Hell, just walking into the sea from the beach is reason enough for panic. You spend all this time thinking about what not to do, you lose out on the fun part of the process. Which is writing the script first and foremost for your own entertainment. Or in the analogy of the swimmer, enjoying a day out in the ocean. There's no better audience out there than you.
So heed advice my young disbelievers when I tell you that the greatest enemy to your writing career is you. But take this advice with a grain of salt, I am a hypocrite.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
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