Admittedly, it's been a while since I last updated the blog... again. Well, schoolwork has been a bitch the last couple of weeks and I have a few papers to finish as the current semester is winding down. I got this very big 25 page paper I have to do for class that I've only completed seven pages for thus far, and I have to write a short essay on an Art museum visit in addition to the take home final that may or may not sum up to seven pages of written material. On top of that, I have to finish a small project of analyzing an oral story for my Myth, Folktales and Symbols class that is due go knows when.
Remember a few weeks ago when I said it was November and I was stuck on page 73 on my script? Yeah, didn't make any goddamn headway whatsoever. It seems that the plan to finish my script by the end of this year is very much a reality. I said I was going to finish it by the end of this year in the hopes that I wouldn't give myself so much time to procrastinate and hopefully finish at least a month or two earlier. But of course, that didn't happen.
I know the content of this blog has been negligently bare the past couple of months, but dammit, I'm not going to abandon this thing. It's better for me to write a few shitty bullshit posts than not write one at all. It's all part of the plan to write regularly even if the blog posts are not up to my own standards (which you can argue has never been a strong point anyways, but fuck off it's my blog buddy...)
Real shit is still better than imaginary gold.
Hulk Hogan Gets Booed During WWE’s Netflix Debut
3 hours ago
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