Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Free Write 4

I'm currently taking a creative break from writing my script. I felt that I've been steeped in building a story for so long that I've forgotten what a story looks and feels like.

So to remedy that, I've decided to slow things down (technically sped things up, I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere by breaking the story) and start writing a short story or two. It might be the perfect way of recharging my creative batteries. I don't have to worry about page count and I don't have to worry about adhering to the conventions of writing a script. Lately, I've been feeling like I was in a creative drought working on the script (which wasn't even any real writing, just outlining and simple prep work stuff -- Took me damn near 6 months to do, yeah totally the poster boy for hard working writer).

So yeah, hopefully I'll get back to it soon with some fresh ideas.