Friday, August 19, 2011

Free Write 5

It's strange that despite my interest in writing that I have not been more well read than I should have. As I posted in the last free write, I'm currently taking a creative break from writing my script and focusing instead on writing a short story. It's been dawning on me how shameful it is that I have not read more works by classic authors and have the audacity to call myself a writer in any capacity.

I thought it would be a good idea to read authors that I wasn't very well exposed to in High School. It was just yesterday that I came across the full 201 collection of short stories written by Anton Chekhov. I figured that even though I may not be the most well read of writers, I can certainly start becoming more of one. Hopefully I learn a few things.

Btw, if anyone is interested (I don't know who's sorry soul would dare stumble on this blog), here is the link to the full collection of short stories by Anton Chekhov.